Duplicate File Detective uses state-of-the-art file content analysis technology to show you exactly where the duplicate files are. You can scan multiple file systems - folders, drives, removable storage devices, even network shares - all in a single pass. Then use the powerful Duplicate Result Manager to move, zip, or delete duplicate files safely, all with assistance from our innovative Smart Marking duplicate file selection system.
+Intuitive and attractive user interface
+Powerful, multi-threaded duplicate file scanning engine
+Project-based - load and save entire projects with ease
+Reports can be exported in HTML, CSV, and even XML
+Integrated command line support for batching, scheduling
+Duplicate files management - safer moving, zipping, & deleting
+Multiple paths can be searched in a single pass
+Network enabled - scans both local and network file systems
+Project wizard helps you get started quickly
+Printing and print preview
+A file checksum calculator tool
+Much, much more....
Search multiple local and network paths in a single pass, in any order that suits you. Also allows you to specify paths to be excluded from the scan.
2. Image preview panelProvides a quick, visual comparison mechanism for most common image file formats.
3. File properties panelDisplays detailed information about the currently selected duplicate file.
4. Duplicate results reportThe primary duplicate result report is super-flexible, with MS Outlook-like grouping and sorting capabilities, column customization, superior printing (and print preview support), data export / import, and much more.
5. Report context menuThe duplicate result report provides a right-click context menu with numerous helpful features.
6. Search filtering panelFlexible search filtering system ensures that only the files you care about are tested for duplicity.
7. File types panelGives quick insights into what file types comprise the duplicate results.
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