Buddy Spy New Features
New in Buddy Spy 2.2 is a Scan History, which keeps a log of all the users you have scanned. The log includes, the user name, online status, webcam status, chat room status, date and time, in an easy to read format. Also new in this version of Buddy Spy, is the Web Check. The web check is a new scanning method that will detect online presence, even if they are not using Yahoo! Messenger. Another new features is the alias check, this will detect if the user you are scanning is an alias of another Yahoo! ID.
Buddy Spy Program Uses
Buddy Spy is great for seeing if one of your friends is really online, or if you are trying to catch a cheating spouse. Buddy Spy has also been used by the authorities in use of tracking online criminals. So whether you are just wanting to check in on a friend, catch a cheating spouse Buddy Spy is the tool for you.
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