Features |
General Features |
- Scalable solution - database server and web servers can reside on separate machines.
- MySQL back-end database
- vBulletin can be run on any machine that can support PHP and MySQL (Solaris, BSD, Linux, Windows, Mac)
- Written in PHP which makes for a fast and efficient product
- Admin Control Panel
- Moderator Control Panel
- User Control Panel
- Compliant with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998. See this page for more information:http://www.vbulletin.com/go/coppa
General Forum Features |
Threads - Thread display options - sort by, sort order, from date
- Thread and forum subscription (notification by email optional)
- Thread preview on mouse-over (optional, via Admin CP)
- Active Users viewing thread shown
- New Post Indicator
- Printer Friendly versions on threads
- Admin tools for Threads - edit/delete/move/lock/Make sticky/ etc
- Email page to a friend option
- Similar Threads displayed on all thread views
Posts - Linear, Threaded, Hybrid display views available
- Supports BB Code in posts
- Supports HTML in post
- Smilies
- Avatars
- Optional WYSIWYG or standard editors for posts and Private Messages
- Attachment images (.gif,.jpg, etc) are no longer in the database (optional, via Admin CP)
- Quick reply box (with optional "forced" click on post to quote)
- Preview post option
- Post rating
- User reputation
- Polls
- Post Reporting - report posts to moderators
- User post count
- Admin tools for Posts - edit/delete/move/ etc
- Preview safe attachments
Members - Member List
- Member Search
- User Style picker
- Private Messaging
- Buddy list
- Member Birthdays shown on Forum home
Calendar Features - Supports multiple private and public calendars
- Viewable public and private events (adminCP option)
- Weekly, monthly and yearly views
- Jump to Today option
- Add single, ranged or recurring events
- Add all day events
- Option to show calendar event on forum home page (adminCP option)
- Show events to specific usergroups (adminCP option)
- Calendar Moderation
- Private events reminder
- Ability to add custom fields
General |
User Control Panel Features |
Editable user profile This information can be viewed by other members from the member list. Custom user title, URL home page, date of birth, instant messaging medium, location, occupation, biography, interests, vB version, plus any other custom user fields that may be defined by the administrator Profile pictures Allows members to upload pictures that can be viewed in the users' profile. Private Messaging - Pop-up notification when new PM received
- Private Message Tracking
- Private Message filing in custom folders
User Options These include Daylight Savings options, forum style chooser, selection of notification types for PM, emails etc, thread display options, WYSIWYG editor options, language chooser, vCard downloads to allow the user profile to be placed into an address book Attachment Management - View attachment statistics - shows limit and used space
- View the attachments you have posted (link or thumbnail views available)
- Remove attachments
Avatar Options - Admin Defined Avatars
- Custom Avatars - upload from your own computer or specify a URL
General - View and manage subscribed threads and forums
- Calendar event reminders for subscribed events
- Pop-up auto-refreshing buddylist with ICQ-style alerts when new buddies come online
- Signature Editor
- Email and password changes require current password
- Joinable Public User Groups
Admin Control Panel Features |
Styling & Templates - Templated system
- Conditionals supported in the templates
- Ability to create multiple styles which can be applied to different forums and users
- Ability to upload / download styles and languages
Language & Phrase Management - Language manager - allows you to easily translate your forums in any language
- Multiple languages supported
- Phrase manager
Users & Usergroups - User registration options
- User banning (by name & IP)
- Global ignore user aka 'Tachy goes to Coventry' - when enabled all posts by the specified user will be ignored/unseen by other members. Automatically added to the all users ignore lists
- Unlimited Moderators and SuperModerators
- Permission system, based on user, usergroup or forums
Board Maintenance - Task Scheduler
- Control Panel, Moderator & Task logs
- Board statistics
- Maintentance - Database backups, table repair
- Post Prunning
Moderation - Moderation queues for user registration and posting
- Calendar moderation
Import Facility - Import facility - import posts and members seamlessly upgrade from other bulletin board systems, including Infopop's Ultimate Bulletin Board, UBBThreads, OpenTopic, ezboard, and Ikonboard
Attachments - Multiple attachments and types (types defined by admin in CP)
- Attachment thumbnails (requires PHP to have GD enabled)
- Storage type options for attachements (database or file system)
- Attachment moderation
General - Multiple calendars supported
- Paid Subscriptions (PayPal, WorldPay, NOCHEX and Authorize.net)
- Private forums
- COPPA compliant
- Server Settings and Optimisation options configurable via the adminCP
- Editable FAQ for your own boards
- Context sensitive help throughout the adminCP
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